The Prophet David
Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom
St. Basil's Divine Liturgy
Liturgy of Presanctified Gifts
St. James' Liturgy
Menaion (Feast Days)
Triodion and Pentecostarion


Select the type of Notation you prefer:
First Mode
Second Mode
Third Mode
Fourth Mode
Plagal First Mode
Plagal Second Mode
Grave Mode
Plagal Fourth Mode


To download all music for Orthros in Western notation, click here (000 pages, 00 Mb)

We have written the hymns of Orthros only in English, because they are already available in Greek from the Byzantine Music Publishing House in Western notation, and from the Holy Cross Bookstore in Byzantine notation. We have presented the hymns only in Elizabethan English because they have already been published in a Modern English translation by Fr. Seraphim Dedes. The translation used for the hymns of Orthros is copyrighted by the Holy Transfiguration Monastery in Brookline and is used with their permission. We chose their translation because many people throughout the world hold their liturgical translations in high regard due to their precision, meter, and elegance. While the music is copyright St. Anthony’s Monastery, the texts are copyright Holy Transfiguration Monastery, and may not be further distributed or used in sound or print publications or otherwise without the prior written permission of Holy Transfiguration Monastery.




Prologue by Gregorios Stathis

Concerning Adaptation

Concerning Notation

About the Translation

The History of Byzantine Chant

Byzantine vs. Western Notation

Writing Byzantine Music

Epilogue by
  Photios Kontoglou

The Intervals of the Soft Chromatic Modal Genre

The Intonations of the Eight Modes



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Recordings on CD

St. Anthony's